Ambiguity of Colours

Every colour has its own quality and look. Was just trying to find out the same. Thought for a while when I was travelling home yesterday ( February 17, 2009). And I was amazed how every colour has got positive as well as negative characteristics of its own......and the way we create

Red : it is violent/it religious too

White: Peaceful/the memory of death

Yellow: Bright / colour of hatred

Orange: setting of sun and end of the day/ Nature at its best when sky is orange

Black : Graceful colour for parties/ the memory of death

This way there may be thousands of colours with such differences in opinion..It is a challenge for an artist to decide on which colour to be used for portraying which kind of feeling.....

A true artist falls short of colours even if provided with 1000 colours and the confusion keeps continuing.....


DuDo said...

hey dis is a gr8 post... i luv da way u described colours... keep blogging