I'll come to you when I need you.........

We humans are so selfish in our life. There are two kind of people one is the person who is intentionally selfish and one non intentionally selfish.
We make friends, we talk to them, we share things with them, we play with them, we cry with them, we laugh we them but is there a pinch of selfishness added to all this relationships in our life?
We make relations with some intention and futher it either becomes selfless relation or feeling or it ends moment ones need is fulfilled.
I have come across so many people in my life some have been with me forever, some left me, some promised and left me and some I left. As always I m confused how do you judge one person. How do we know he/ she is true to us and with their feelings?


kumar vaibhav said...

Hmmm...I agree, there is always a selfish interest, it could be to find someone to share your thoughts, your life with you, and we set their often do we tend to have ears for what the other person has to share, while we are offloading most of us to them..then they classify as bad listeners..we move on as they say..but its nothin but an unending journey to find more people who can listen to us patiently. Its so very human. The only way to judge someone is the thought that says: Be wid ppl wid whom u feel happy, but stay wid dat sm1 whose happiness is u. that qualifies a genuine person, cos he/she wud stay wid u no matter what, and they would be the one who would irritate/annoy the most, but they would always have a genuine caring side for u..cheers

Divine.. said...

I think this is next to impossible.. you can never find such people as all are selfish on this earth...never mind thanx for your comment...May i know who are you?